Monday, May 16, 2016

Words About Another: George R.R. Martinez (Placeholder's Purgatory) Part... 3-ish? Just Read

Alright. Today I'm gonna talk about Placeholder's Purgatory by George R.R. Martinez (not George R.R. Martin). It's super short and there's not a ton to say about it, so I'll be brief.

This is another weird one, ladies and gentleman... in fact, it seems a bit familiar, in a way. It seems to take another look at the crazy world we live in and make a joke of it, and it's also hard to tell if there's some kind of point, if it's just really strange for its own sake, or if it means to make fun of other works that try to do either.

Surely, this is all starting to sound familiar, right? Maybe just a bit?

Yup, our fellow GRRMartinez here is none other than our favorite madman, Roberto Pinchas, the mind behind The Magnificent Third Rail: A Retrospective which I've talked about before. I don't remember the rationale behind publishing this one under a different name, but if you're confused or something, just trust me. It's the same guy.

That said, should you go into this expecting another Third Rail? Heeeeeeell no. This short "story" (if you can even call it that) is a silly little joke of sorts where religion and bigotry meet the infomercials you'll see on TV if you stay up waaaaaay too late (like I do) which is amusing in its own way, I guess, but it's clear that Third Rail was a bigger effort for him and this is just something else he worked on for the money or just because he was bored. There's something missing, here, though I can't quite put my finger on it.

You know, I'm willing to bet none of you who are reading this are actually going to buy it, but at this moment I kind of have to wonder if it's worth spending money on or not. I mean, if you can find him on the Net, I'm sure SRXmkII/SEXmkII/Roberto/GRRMartinez/HCE/what-the-fuck-ever-he's-calling-himself-at-the-moment will put on a more entertaining shit show for free, but hey, it's only a dollar. I'll leave this one up to you.

Also, you probably read this, expecting me to say something about Sin Judge Knight (even if it was just "still procrastinating")

About that...

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