Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Words About Another: WasabiLinus (Forerunner's Odyssey)

Well, seeing as it's been a second since I've posted anything up here and I'm procrastinating, anyway, I figure I should tell you, all three of you, about something I've been doing to pass the time.

See, as someone who writes stories, like the one you see on this very blog, part of me has become more and more eager to see what other people on the Internet are writing. Yes, I'm fully aware of the stigma that written web works carry. A lot of them are really bad, by just about anyone's standards, and in general, people tend to treat the "medium", for want of a better word, as one big joke.

However, I want to take a moment to talk about one of these that I like so far.

If you're a visitor from Anime and Manga: Other Titles on GameFAQs, you may already know him, but in case you don't, the writer I'm talking about is WasabiLinus. His book is called Forerunner's Odyssey. Basically, what started as a Choose Your Own Adventure (which was a lot of fun to be a part of and follow until... well, I won't get into that) had become something he put a lot of thought into, and he decided he would take his original idea and rewrite it, refining it and taking the story in the direction he wanted without the chaos brought about by us goofballs screwing around in his world, going waaaaaaaay off the rails.

It's basically a story about a man who finds himself in a fantasy world after being sealed away somewhere for a very long time. I know it doesn't sound like anything special, but he's four chapters in as of this writing, and it's shaping up to be pretty good. You see, what I liked about the CYOA is how real he managed to make his world feel, with the amount of care he put into every detail of it; even if the audience didn't know about it, yet, events going on in the world, the history of the world, relationships between people, etc. had an effect on what was happening right in front of us, and what we were able to do during the CYOA.

From what I can tell so far, this seems to be in play in the linear story, as well; the main character will no doubt be very important in this setting, but I still get the feeling that he's part of a world that lives and breathes with or without him. It's probably more than I can say about my work, at least...

But yeah, if you're reading this, and you're looking for something else to kill time with, I think you should go ahead and give Forerunner's Odyssey a look. I like it, so far, and as WasabiLinus gains EXP as a writer, I'm sure it'll only get better.