Saturday, June 18, 2016

Hmm. This blog is two years old now, and I don't really have anything to show for it.

I might as well take this opportunity to tell the three of you reading this how things are going.

I have 19 chapters out of a possible 24 of Sin Judge Knight completed. See, my plan, at first, was to have at least the first draft finished by the time this date rolled around, but not only am I just too lazy to have accomplished something like that, by some miracle, someone actually hired me, so I was busy doing things related to that, as well.

Now that I've started working, I actually feel pretty tired once I get home, even though I don't do anything particularly intense at work. I think, for now, what I might do is use my days off to finish the book. After all, it's a part-time job, so I don't have to go there everyday or anything.

I'm so close to the end I can almost taste it... I already have the ending planned out, I just have to get there and it's done. Please look forward to it.

(Ah, I hope someone at least pretends to care. This whole talking to myself thing is getting pretty embarrassing! *laughs*)