Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Magic Knight Saga: Introduction

Okay, I realize I haven't posted anything here in a while, but I've suddenly remembered this and decided to use it again.

So, a couple people on GameFAQs were wondering about some of the stories I've written. Well, I guess I'm about to share one!

This first one is called Young Magic Knight. Basically, it takes place in the world of Bios, where magic exists and people can use it, but most of the people who could use it were killed in the "witch hunts" from the world's past, so ordinary people don't know about magic anymore.

The story starts in 2017 A.S. (Anno Salvator) A seemingly ordinary boy leads a normal and happy life, aside from the nightmare he's been having about a girl trying to stab him to death. He's started his senior year at a new high school due to the one he was going to being closed down. He meets two friendly girls that seem familiar to him, but he can't remember how or why.

As he heads home from school that first day, he is attacked by someone using magic for reasons he doesn't understand, but he's saved by the girls he spoke to earlier that day. They call themselves "Magic Knights", and tell the boy that he has the ability to become one.

Magic Knights differ from other magic users in that their magic is not learned from any scroll or book. About a thousand years ago, a "knighting" spell was created, now lost to time, that allowed a magician to bestow upon a person the power of one of 366 special magic stars. These people who were "knighted" have since died as humans, but live on as spirits known as Magic Knight Forces, and they can bestow upon certain humans the power they have. The boy happens to be compatible with one of the Forces.

Expect lots of anime-esque edge and chuuni on this little adventure of ours, some of which is a more than a little cringe-worthy because it was first written in a vacuum, by myself and for myself, and didn't plan on showing anyone else. However, I've nothing to lose from showing it, now, so for the curious, here it is!

Blah, blah, blah, criticism is welcome, tell me if you want more, etc... Okay, let's get started.

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