Friday, February 12, 2016

Words About Another: WasabiLinus (Forerunner's Odyssey): Part 3

Just takin' it easy, here. I've still been writing, but there have been many distractions, and I don't just mean the stuff I do on the Internet. Like, real life stuff, too. It's a pain when I feel like I'm getting less and less time to focus properly.

But let's talk about something more interesting. You remember this, right? WasabiLinus has finally wrapped up "Part 1", and I have to say, it's been an exciting arc. It's clear that he planned it all out, and, although others might think differently, a good deal of the "amateurish-ness" for lack of better words, seems to be completely gone by this point, which is more than I can say about Young Magic Knight, at least... it's an admirable effort for a new writer.

Seriously, if you're sitting here reading this in the first place, chances are you've got nothing better to do, anyway, so give it a look. All kinds of different characters and enjoyable interactions between them, very fleshed out setting, fun action scenes, a nefarious plot that the heroes unravel by doing some scheming, themselves... it's all very cool and well put together.

Of course, I have my own interest in spreading the word, aside from just finding more people to talk about it with ("Hey, this is an interesting web novel... you know who else writes these things? I do!" *laughs*) Besides that, though, Linus has said he'd appreciate some criticism of his work, since he wants to do this right (I'd do this myself, but the work may have flaws that I've failed to notice and I'm terrible at this kind of thing, anyway), and he's also interested in sharing some lore, so if you decide to check out his stuff and end up having something to say, give him a holler. 

But that's all I wanted to say. Forerunner's Odyssey! Look it up, read it, enjoy yourselves, keep an eye on this guy for when he starts it up again, and I'm sure you won't regret it.

Oh, and on the subject of my own work, don't get too excited for Sin Judge Knight just yet (all three of you are just chomping at the bit to see that, I'm sure) as it's still going slowly, but I have to say I've still been working on it and I'm really liking how it's turning out, so far. This is just me,  so far, but it definitely feels superior to Young Magic Knight, at least. I hope I'm not just imagining that. That'd be really embarrassing!

So, I'm done, for now. Go read Forerunner's Odyssey, and look forward to whatever I have coming next. See you then!

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